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Creates age groups from numeric values using customizable break points and formatting options. The function allows for flexible formatting and customization of age group labels.

If a factor is returned, this factor includes factor levels of unobserved age groups. This allows for reproducible age groups, which can be used for joining data (e.g. adding age grouped population numbers for incidence calculation).


  age_breaks = c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90),
  breaks_as_lower_bound = TRUE,
  first_group_format = "0-{x}",
  interval_format = "{x}-{y}",
  last_group_format = "{x}+",
  pad_numbers = FALSE,
  pad_with = "0",
  collapse_single_year_groups = FALSE,
  na_label = NA,
  return_factor = FALSE



Numeric vector of ages to be grouped


Numeric vector of break points for age groups.
Default: c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90)


Logical; if TRUE (default), breaks are treated as lower bounds of the intervals. If FALSE, as upper bounds.


Character string template for the first age group. Uses glue syntax.
Default: "0-\{x\}", Other common styles: "<={x}", "<{x+1}"


Character string template for intermediate age groups. Uses glue syntax.
Default: "\{x\}-\{y\}", Other common styles: "{x} to {y}"


Character string template for the last age group. Uses glue syntax.
Default: "\{x\}+", Other common styles: ">={x}",">{x-1}"


Logical or numeric; if numeric, pad numbers up to the specified length (Tip: use 2). Not compatible with calculations within glue formats. Default: FALSE


Character to use for padding numbers. Default: "0"


Logical; if TRUE, groups spanning single years are collapsed. Default: FALSE


Label for NA values. If NA, keeps default NA handling. Default: NA


Logical; if TRUE, returns a factor, if FALSE returns character vector. Default: FALSE


Vector of age group labels (character or factor depending on return_factor)


# Basic usage
#>   [1] "0-4"   "0-4"   "0-4"   "0-4"   "5-9"   "5-9"   "5-9"   "5-9"   "5-9"  
#>  [10] "10-14" "10-14" "10-14" "10-14" "10-14" "15-19" "15-19" "15-19" "15-19"
#>  [19] "15-19" "20-24" "20-24" "20-24" "20-24" "20-24" "25-29" "25-29" "25-29"
#>  [28] "25-29" "25-29" "30-39" "30-39" "30-39" "30-39" "30-39" "30-39" "30-39"
#>  [37] "30-39" "30-39" "30-39" "40-49" "40-49" "40-49" "40-49" "40-49" "40-49"
#>  [46] "40-49" "40-49" "40-49" "40-49" "50-59" "50-59" "50-59" "50-59" "50-59"
#>  [55] "50-59" "50-59" "50-59" "50-59" "50-59" "60-69" "60-69" "60-69" "60-69"
#>  [64] "60-69" "60-69" "60-69" "60-69" "60-69" "60-69" "70-79" "70-79" "70-79"
#>  [73] "70-79" "70-79" "70-79" "70-79" "70-79" "70-79" "70-79" "80-89" "80-89"
#>  [82] "80-89" "80-89" "80-89" "80-89" "80-89" "80-89" "80-89" "80-89" "90+"  
#>  [91] "90+"   "90+"   "90+"   "90+"   "90+"   "90+"   "90+"   "90+"   "90+"  
#> [100] "90+"  

# Custom formatting with upper bounds
  breaks_as_lower_bound = FALSE,
  interval_format = "{x} to {y}",
  first_group_format = "0 to {x}"
#>   [1] "0 to 5"   "0 to 5"   "0 to 5"   "0 to 5"   "0 to 5"   "6 to 10" 
#>   [7] "6 to 10"  "6 to 10"  "6 to 10"  "6 to 10"  "11 to 15" "11 to 15"
#>  [13] "11 to 15" "11 to 15" "11 to 15" "16 to 20" "16 to 20" "16 to 20"
#>  [19] "16 to 20" "16 to 20" "21 to 25" "21 to 25" "21 to 25" "21 to 25"
#>  [25] "21 to 25" "26 to 30" "26 to 30" "26 to 30" "26 to 30" "26 to 30"
#>  [31] "31 to 40" "31 to 40" "31 to 40" "31 to 40" "31 to 40" "31 to 40"
#>  [37] "31 to 40" "31 to 40" "31 to 40" "31 to 40" "41 to 50" "41 to 50"
#>  [43] "41 to 50" "41 to 50" "41 to 50" "41 to 50" "41 to 50" "41 to 50"
#>  [49] "41 to 50" "41 to 50" "51 to 60" "51 to 60" "51 to 60" "51 to 60"
#>  [55] "51 to 60" "51 to 60" "51 to 60" "51 to 60" "51 to 60" "51 to 60"
#>  [61] "61 to 70" "61 to 70" "61 to 70" "61 to 70" "61 to 70" "61 to 70"
#>  [67] "61 to 70" "61 to 70" "61 to 70" "61 to 70" "71 to 80" "71 to 80"
#>  [73] "71 to 80" "71 to 80" "71 to 80" "71 to 80" "71 to 80" "71 to 80"
#>  [79] "71 to 80" "71 to 80" "81 to 90" "81 to 90" "81 to 90" "81 to 90"
#>  [85] "81 to 90" "81 to 90" "81 to 90" "81 to 90" "81 to 90" "81 to 90"
#>  [91] "91+"      "91+"      "91+"      "91+"      "91+"      "91+"     
#>  [97] "91+"      "91+"      "91+"      "91+"     

# Ages 1 to 5 are kept as numbers by collapsing single year groups
  age_breaks = c(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10),
  collapse_single_year_groups = TRUE
#>  [1] "1"   "2"   "3"   "4"   "5-9" "5-9" "5-9" "5-9" "5-9" "10+"